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Surgery Department

Our hospital surgery department includes:

  1. General Surgery

  2. Pediatric surgery

  3. Urology

  4. Plastic Surgery

  5. Neuro Surgery

  6. Vascular Surgery


General Surgery

"General Surgery" is a discipline of surgery having a central core of knowledge embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties.

Our department includes the following types of services

1. Emergency/acute care surgery

  • Surgeries for Airway Obstruction – Tracheostomy

  • Emergency Gastrointestinal Surgeries

  • Emergency Thoracic Surgeries​

3. Surgical treatment of multiple surgical disorders:

Breast Surgeries

  • Endocrine (Thyroid & Adren

  • Cancer (Oncology) Surgeriesal) Surgeries

  • Thoracic Surgeries

  • Hepatobiliary & Pancreas Surgeries

  • Gastrointestinal Surgeries

  • Screening for Cancer and Other Disorders

  • Follow Up of Patients with Chronic Surgical Problems

  • Providing Advices On Healthy Lifestyle Tips and Protection Strategies.

  • Diets

  • Healthy Habits

  • Regular Checkups


2. Trauma surgery and care

  • Complete Trauma Evaluation

  • Emergency Surgeries for All Types of Trauma to All Body Parts

4 Medical treatment of general surgery diseases


  • Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

  • PUD Medical Treatment

  • Medical and Conservative Management of Other Intestinal Disorders

  • Medical Treatment of Hemorrhoids and Other Anal Problems

  • For High Quality Postoperative Care After Major Surgeries

  • For Patients Requiring a Close Observation and Management

  • ICU Service For Critically ill Surgical Patients


Dr. Biniyam Sintayew

     General Surgeon
Mon - Fri     8am-3pm

Saturdays     2pm-5pm         

Dr Henok worku

      General Surgeon
Mon - Fri     8am-12pm

Saturdays     8am - 1pm         

Pediatric Surgery

  • You and your child's physician will discuss surgery as a way to correct your child's health problem. This decision will be based on careful evaluation of your child's medical history and medical tests, such as blood tests, X-rays, CT scan, electrocardiogram, or other laboratory work performed to determine the exact diagnosis.

         These are surgeries of the head, neck, chest, and some surgeries on the belly (abdomen). The recovery time can be lengthy and may involve a stay in intensive care or several days in the hospital. There is a higher risk of complications after such surgeries. In children, types of major surgery may include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Removal of brain tumors

  • Correction of bone malformations of the skull and face

  • Repair of congenital heart disease, transplantation of organs, and repair of intestinal malformations

  • Correction of spinal abnormalities and treatment of injuries sustained from major blunt trauma

  • Correction of problems in fetal development of the lungs, intestines, diaphragm, or anus.

Major surgery

Minor surgery

          Some surgeries that children undergo are considered minor. The recovery time is short and children return to their usual activities rapidly. These surgeries are most often done as an outpatient, and children can return home the same day. Complications from these types of surgeries are rare. Examples of the most common types of minor surgeries may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Placement of ear tubes

  • Hernia repairs

  • Correction of bone fractures

  • Removal of skin lesions

  • Biopsy of growths

Peculiar Major Pediatric Surgical Procedures that have been performed by Dr. Yeshigeta H/mariam (General Pediatric Surgeon) at DELT Yemariamwork Hospital in the last one and half year.




II)Beyond Neonatal ages

1. Epispadias repair of different type
2. Soave Pull thorough procedure for Hirschspung’s Diseases
3. Hypospadias repair of different type
4.Pyelolithotomy and cystolithotomy for different Pediatric patients


I)Among Neonatal Surgeries

1. Diamond Duodenoduodenostomy for duodenal atresia
2. Abdominoperineal pull through anorectoplasty for ARM

with Rectobladderneck fistula

Dr. Yeshigeta


Pediatric Surgeon


  • Urology is a part of health care that deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). It also deals with the male organs that are able to make babies (penis, testes, scrotum, prostate, etc.).

They will treat patients of all ages for a range of conditions including disorders of the: 

  • kidneys/ureters – stones, tumours, infections and trauma 

  • bladder – stones, tumours, congenital disorders, incontinence and infection  

  • prostate – tumours, obstruction, difficulty passing urine and infections 

  • urethra – strictures and trauma 

  • male reproductive organs – impotence, tumours, congenital disorders, infection, sterilisation and male infertility 

  • We also start to perform Cystoscopy (Bladder Endoscopy)

Cystoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to examine the lining of your bladder and the tube that carries urine out of your body (urethra). A hollow tube (cystoscope) equipped with a lens is inserted into your urethra and slowly advanced into your bladder.


A cystoscope is inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries pee out of the body) and passed into the bladder to allow a doctor or nurse to see inside.

Why cystoscopies are used

  • Investigate causes of signs and symptoms

  • Diagnose bladder diseases and conditions

  • Treat bladder diseases and conditions

  • Diagnose an enlarged prostate

Dr. Mulugeta Bekele

Uro - Surgeon

Dr. Tesfahun Desse

Uro - Surgeon

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive plastic surgery is done to correct facial and body abnormalities caused by birth defects, injury, disease, or aging. Usually, the goal of reconstructive plastic surgery is to improve body function. However, reconstructive plastic surgery may also be done to create a more normal appearance and improve self-esteem.

Abnormal structures of the body may result from:

  • Injury

  • Infection

  • Developmental abnormalities

  • Birth defects

  • Disease

  • Tumors

Generally, 2 types of people have reconstructive plastic surgery, including:

  • People with birth defects (including cleft lip, craniofacial anomalies, or hand deformities)

  • People with deformities (including those due to an accident, infection, disease, or aging)

Who are candidates for reconstructive plastic surgery?


Among the most common specialisms are:

  • Congenital – treatments for conditions like cleft lip and palate, facial and ear deformities and craniofacial defects, hypospadias or other genito-urinary anomalies, upper limb anomalies and congenital skin conditions.

  • Breast surgery – reconstruction following cancer, congenital anomalies, cosmetic breast surgery

  • Skin – excision and reconstruction or benign and malignant; management of skin cancer metastases in lymph glands and elsewhere

  • Trauma – reconstructive repair of facial trauma; lower limb trauma including open fractures and burn injury.

  • Cancer – removal of malignant tumours and benign lesions of skin; breast reconstruction following cancer treatments; treatment of and reconstruction after others, such as sarcoma, “head and neck” cancer, perineal cancers

  • Hand and upper limb surgery – specialist treatment for a particularly complicated body area where function is vital for quality of life. Dealing with congenital hand abnormalities; repair of injuries to the hand and upper limb and treatment of degenerative hand disease.

  • Aesthetic surgery – often called “cosmetic surgery” the changing of appearance by choice and not for the treatment of disease. Although not usually available on the NHS, aesthetic surgical principles inform the reconstructive work that plastic surgeons do and so there are important links between reconstructive and aesthetic procedures

Dr. Girum Meseret

Neuro Surgery

It is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of of patients with injury to, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body. 

  • The specialty of neurosurgical care includes both adult and pediatric patients. Dependent upon the nature of the injury or disease a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical care.

  • Successful treatment starts with an accurate diagnosis. Our experts take the time to get it right. You might undergo several tests so that your doctors can identify exactly what's causing your signs and symptoms. Our neurologists and neurosurgeons work with radiologists who use innovative and advanced imaging technologies

Dr Netsanet Limenh


Vascular Surgery

Vascular surgery is an umbrella term for a range of open surgeries and minimally-invasive procedures involving your blood vessels.

What are the different types of vascular surgery?

  1. Dialysis Access Surgery (Arteriovenous Fistula Creation)


This procedure creates a vein that removes and returns blood to the body for long-term-use for patients undergoing dialysis.



Dialysis Access Surgery (Arteriovenous Fistula Creation)


Varicose Vein Surgeries

 Vascular Injury Exploration and Repairs

 Peripheral Arterial Bypass Surgery

Thoracic Outlet Procedures


2. Varicose Vein Surgeries

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that are visible through the skin and may appear as blue or purple twisted, knot-like cords. Varicose veins can occur anywhere in the body, but are more commonly found on the legs.

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3. Vascular Injury Exploration and Repairs

  • Primary repair

  • Anastomosis

  • Venous grafts


4. Peripheral Arterial Bypass Surgery

  • Thrombectomy

  • Venous grafts


5. Thoracic Outlet Procedures

  • Relief of Arterial Compression in the neck and arm Read more

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